
Friday, October 07, 2005

Here little duck!

When I came home yesterday, there was a small duck in my garage and I could see the neighbors wrestling nearby with their young dog. They waved and moved on, and the duck wattled slowly around my driveway. I found out later that their young son had been holding the duck until their dog went after it. I noticed it had a small limp and didn't fly. It's on the small side ... maybe it's too young to fly? The kids had a great time throwing bread at the duck, and it hung out in our yard for a little while. This morning the duck was back, and this time my sister held the duck. I looked up what I should be feeding the duck. Apparantly not bread... whoops. Oh, well. Maybe if he shows up again, I'll be ready with pelleted mash.

First Blog

I've decided I want to blog, but I don't want to drag out the ftp software and html editor everytime I make a change to my website. And with so many free blog sites out there, it doesn't make much sense to build my own content editor to do blogging sans-ftp and html editor. So, we'll give this a go and see how I like it.
